Brookside Lacrosse forms teams in the Spring season to compete in the boys and girls respective leagues.
LAKC Boys Programs - Brookside, Blue Valley, Lawrence, Lees Summit, Mill Valley, Northland, Pembroke, Prairie Village
KCMGLA Girls Programs - Brookside, Blue Valley, Lees Summit, Park Hill, Pembroke, Prairie Village, Westside Wild
Boys and Girls in Kansas City play for their closest Spring club.
Brookside Lacrosse forms boys teams grades 1st - 8th to compete in the LAKC
- Lacrosse Association of Kansas City -
The LAKC is the league for youth - high school boys
Brookside Lacrosse forms girls teams grades 3rd - 8th to compete in the KCMGLA
- Kansas City Metro Girls Lacrosse Association -
The KCMGLA is the league for youth - high school girls